Unlocking The Mystery Of Life – The Scientific Case for Intelligent Design – Chinese Only


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65 minute documentary.

2002, Illustra Media , 65 minutes documentary – explains that at a cellular level, life is full of machines, inc the rotary motor of a flagellum.  Makes the point that if you see a machine you always know that it was designed. Also where does all the controlling information come from. Reasoning is detailed and authoritative; Excellent computer graphics. Authors include M Behe,J Wells ,D Kenyon,W.A.Dembski. Possibly the best of its class.  Plus 45 minutes of extra material – scientists answer questions about Darwinism and intelligent design, musical tour of the wildlife of the Galapagos, other references (books, videos and websites), profiles of scientists, and optional chapter selection for main documentary.

In our opinion one of the best videos ever produced on the subject – now complemented by Illustra Media’s new production The Privileged Planet which is also available from Golden Age Books.

We have had a number of customers tell us of the impact this video has had on individuals.


New Chinese edition, 2005, Illustra Media, in a choice of two formats:

Video Compact Disc (PAL VCD): Soundtrack in Mandarin only, with Simplified Chinese titles and subtitles. Playable on PC using Windows Media Player (or similar) or on DVD players




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Weight 0.1 kg